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作者 admin 於 2017年04月19日 01:00:00 (7665 次閱讀)

2.5.8系列版本增加了許多功能,區塊、加密等級...等皆有不同。最主要是能在PHP 7.1上面運作,以下列出我們升級過程遇到問題時的筆記整理。

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作者 admin 於 2017年01月10日 23:00:00 (13629 次閱讀)

The XOOPS Development Team is pleased to announce the release of security patches for XOOPS 2.5.8 and XOOPS These patches includes the latest version of PHPMailer to address a serious vulnerability. All XOOPS users are encouraged to update as soon as possible. Both full distributions and patch files (from the most recent prior release) for both the 2.5.7 and 2.5.8 series are available. Any users that are running older XOOPS versions are advised to update to XOOPS now.

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作者 admin 於 2016年05月29日 20:06:05 (51792 次閱讀)

The XOOPS Development Team is pleased to announce the release of XOOPS 2.5.8.

Highlights: PHP7 ready, XMF included, Security updates, Bcrypt passwords

This new version has numerous bug fixes and enhancements. You can download the XOOPS 2.5.8 Final release directly from XOOPS/XoopsCore25 on GitHub, or XOOPS Core (stable releases)/XOOPS 2.5.8 on SourceForge.

Important note: XOOPS 2.5.8 requires some database updates for full function. Be sure to follow the instructions below under Upgrade Required if you are updating an existing system.

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作者 admin 於 2016年01月19日 11:00:00 (9209 次閱讀)

The XOOPS Development Team is pleased to announce the release of a security patch for XOOPS Final.

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作者 admin 於 2013年02月05日 09:10:00 (13187 次閱讀)

Current users of XOOPS 2.5.5 are encouraged to download and apply a Security Patch.

This patch is included in the upcoming XOOPS 2.5.6, which should be released in the next couple of weeks, after the testing of the Beta version is done.

Download: SourceForge File Repository
請下載SourceForge File Repository將main.php這支程式覆蓋2.5.5中modules/system/admin/maintenance/main.php

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