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模組開發 : UPGRADE.txt
作者 elie 於 2010年08月13日 17:50:00 (3883 次閱讀)

原始出處 http://www.xoops.org/modules/mediawiki/index.php/Dev:UPGRADE.txt


[Module name]

[Module developer]

[Version number]

Upgrade Instructions

1. Backup your database, customized templates and module files before upgrading.

2. Upload all files in this package to XOOPS_ROOT_URL/modules/[module dirname]/, overwriting the existing files.

3. Log in to your site as administrator.

4. Update the module using the XOOPS module administration panel at 'System Admin Modules'.

可列印模式 轉寄給朋友

The XOOPS organisation ("XOOPS") is committed to protecting the privacy of users of the XOOPS.org sites.
The website used Ver.2.4.5 POWERED BY XOOPS PROJECT.