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模組開發 : CHANGELOG.txt
作者 elie 於 2010年08月13日 17:50:00 (4327 次閱讀)

原始出處 http://www.xoops.org/modules/mediawiki/index.php/Dev:CHANGELOG.txt


Module Name:

Version Number:

Module developer:

Version 2.1

- fixed [1768] topic image alignment

- fixed [1751] article author not updating

- changed category functions, can now add article to multiple categories

Version 2.0

- added new block for related links

- added new page for displaying author details (submitted by [name])

可列印模式 轉寄給朋友

The XOOPS organisation ("XOOPS") is committed to protecting the privacy of users of the XOOPS.org sites.
The website used Ver.2.4.5 POWERED BY XOOPS PROJECT.