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模組開發 : README.txt
作者 elie 於 2010年08月13日 17:50:00 (4607 次閱讀)

原始出處 http://www.xoops.org/modules/mediawiki/index.php/Dev:README.txt


Module Name:

Version Number:

Module developer:

Module Description

A clear description of the purpose of the module. A short history of the module could also be noted here, especially if it was based on another module.


This module is released under the GPL license. See LICENSE.txt for details. [Name] created the images in this package and holds the copyright. Images may be used within this module, but any other use requires the permission of [name]. [Name] can be contacted at name@example.com


Translations can be found at the development site http://dev.xoops.org/modules/xfmod/project/?projectname


This module is based on [other_module], originally developed by [other_developer].

Templates created by [name].

Documentation by [name].

Additional bug fixes by [name].

Images created by [name].

Testing by [name], [name], [name].


For any suggestions, comments, bug reports and feature requests visit the development site at:http://dev.xoops.org/modules/xfmod/project/?projectname

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